Friday 19 April 2013


What is a typology?
Typology is the study of types. So photographers will take an object, say for example a hat, and simply take photographs of lots of different hats and put them together as a collection.
Written explanation from the internet i found:
 A typology is a set of categories used for classification. A typology generally has non-overlapping categories that exhaust all possibilities so that there is one category available for each observation and each observation only fits one category.
A society can be categorized using a typology of types of economy (industrial, hunter-gatherer, horticultural, pastoral, agrarian, fishing, and herding).


A Famous Typology:

Bernd and Hilla Becher: These two were German photographers/artists who worked as a collaborative duo. Phaps their most famous typology of work was their Cooling Towers:




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