Tuesday 2 April 2013



This module required us to chose a typology of our choice and produce a book as our final outcome. I had never looked into typologies before but I know that it was quite an open project and I could do anything with it. My initial idea that came to me as soon as we were given the brief was to do a typology of eyes.. I've decided that this is quite a nice idea to go ahead with as eyes can be really interesting and unique, so I am going to go down this path and hopefully have a good outcome. 
I would like to look into the whole 'Eyes are the windows to the soul' idea because I think it is a very true statement. I think It's quite easy to find out someone's emotion by just looking into their eyes because it simply gives it away. So throughout this project, I am going to look into the human eye as a whole and find out how it works, how it's put together and how significant they are in photography. Eventually I would like to photograph many different people's eyes, in various different colours, shapes and sizes. I am hoping that the up close shots will invite the viewer to look deeper into the persons eyes. 
As I go along I will decide how I will want my layout of my book to eventually look like, currently I am imagining up close shots on a page each, maybe with a bit of descriptive writing on each page to go with them. 

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