Sunday 12 May 2013



This module was one of the final assignments we were given and like the other final one, it was pretty open. The briefing told us that we basically had to produce a book of a typology of our choice. I knew of photographers collecting images of a certain object and making it into a book but I did not know that the correct term for this type of work was ‘typology’.
As this was very open it took a lot of thinking towards what I wanted to achieve. I wanted to keep it simple yet interesting so I eventually decided to look at eyes. I thought eyes were really unique and nice to photograph, I also thought it would be nice to look into the ‘Eyes are the windows to the soul’ saying.  When i started to research, i found that many people in the past had said this windows to the soul, but it has actually been investigated into and some scientists believe that eyes really could be connected to our souls!
I took my photographs, intending to find people with different eye colours to show variety. When it came to editing my photos, i decided that it could look effective to make the eye stand out. So, using the select tool, i converted my image to black and white and left the eye in colour.. i thought that this made the eyes look striking and it was good to see the contrast between black and white and colour.
Over all, this hasn't been my strongest module, as i am well aware. The idea of making a book panicked me slightly from the very beginning and i was worried that what i would achieve would not be my best. I could definately go back into this project with more time and make more of an effort to achieve a better outcome. Although, i have learned lots of new skills throughout this module; using blurb and InDesign being the main one. These are skills that i am sure will help me in the following years to come. 

Friday 3 May 2013


For my final images for my book, I decided to edit my photographs in this way. Using the select tool, i converted my photos into black and white but deselected the eye to keep them in colour.. I think that it looks more effective this way and the eye stands out more which is what i wanted to achieve. Like I found in my research, the eyes are always the focus of the photograph when it comes to portrait photography and it is the eye that draws the viewer in. I also like the brightness of the eyes in these photos and think that it is nice to see the contrast between the eyes and the rest of the face.

I am happy with the outcome of these photographs, but having more time i would have liked to have photographed many more different eyes.. perhaps hunt for people who have more unique and unusual eyes.